In practice, we go against him a lot, and there are days when he dominates us, and there are days when we dominate. So, I know this was circled on the calendar, and it's going to be a big game. When you go somewhere else, and you come back or get to face your old team, it definitely just gives you a little bit more of an edge. We're human beings by nature, and this job definitely puts us in position to have those emotional attachments and draws to certain teams that you've been at. I know this means something to him it's only natural. He's definitely going to have the troops riled up. But 'Wink' is a great coach, a great guy, love him. From a defensive standpoint, the offenses should really know us well – both ways.

But both teams have an advantage with knowing each other. But Lamar has practiced in camp against him for years, and obviously, it's way different when you're game-planning, and you never game-plan in practice, so it's going to be a little bit different. Obviously, there are different styles with coaching and stuff. On what he thinks Giants defensive coordinator Don "Wink" Martindale is telling his team: "Well, we are very similar we do the same defense. Lamar has done a great job with the blitz aspect of it." So, it's just a crazy, exciting operation trying to figure all that stuff out. Sometimes, your knight has a bad knee or something. Sometimes you get three, four moves in a row. I'd like to be – who has time for that? _(laughter)Chess is like one-dimensional football is multi-dimensional, then you have personalities involved, and it's moving really fast out there. I don't know, I'm not a good chess player. I think it's way more complicated than chess. You have an answer, then they come up with an answer. In a game, it's always moving, it's always a moving target it's not 'The Blitz.' There's all kinds of different blitzes, there's all kinds of different iterations that you come up with. He's made progress he's improved in that area, but not just him, we all have. I would probably say what you guys would say. How have you seen QB Lamar Jackson progress this year playing against the blitz? (Bo Smolka) _"It's been good.